The Greener Side Of Hong Kong

Island culture follows you at supersonic speed in the futuristic city of Hong Kong too and all that is left for you to do at that moment is join in this fun tide for as far as you can see starting with cheap flights to Hong Kong from UK . Pok Liu Chau or the Lamma Island is the place we are talking about here and once you see it you will soon find yourself fantasising yourself in its breezy locales with no worry or stress in sight for as far as the eyes can see. If you come here directly from the city then you will surely be able to notice the natural vibe that this place has still intact. In fact, there is the local law which prohibits the locals from constructing any building higher than three storeys. Such precautions have helped a lot in making this place a green stop on your otherwise city-bound vacation that can’t be this rich in terms of natural heritage. Flights to Hong Kong will take you right into this secluded dimension where the only way to commute is via bicyc...