Lahore Adorning The Crown Of Versatility

Variety is the spice of life and apparently tourism too. And Lahore gets this point quite well considering the myriad of monuments, art galleries and every other cultural concoction that it has got in its cauldron comes in all the colours of a creative rainbow. Be it the streets or the towering Minars, nothing about this city can be brushed under the rug of the ordinary and cheap flights to Lahore from UK show you just how special this amber of the past can be. The Hiran Minar is a place for everyone in every mood. Initially constructed by Jehangir to commemorate the death of Maans Raaj, his pet deer; this place dabbled into various roles over the years and now it has become that bankable versatile actor who loves to play many roles simultaneously. During the Mughal period, it was famous as a royal hunting ground where the kings of the surrounding princely states would come together and engage in an adventurous hunting game. The height of this tower makes it quite easy to spot...